Saturday, May 26, 2012

[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Carrot Smoothie - 55 Calories, 0 Fat, 13 Carbs, Fiber 1


Carrot Smoothie

Recipe Source : The Living with Diabetes mailer on


1 cup(s) carrot(s)
1 cup(s) orange juice
1 1/2 cup(s) ice cubes
1/2 teaspoon orange peel


In a covered small saucepan, cook carrots in a small amount of boiling
about 15 minutes or until very tender.
Drain well.

Place drained carrots in a blender.
Add finely shredded orange peel and orange juice.
Cover and blend until smooth.
Add ice cubes and cover and blend until smooth.
Pour into glasses.
If desired, garnish with orange peel curls.

Nutritional Info (Per serving):

Calories: 55, Saturated Fat: 0g, Sodium: 16mg, Dietary Fiber: 1g, Total
Fat: 0g,
Carbs: 13g, Cholesterol: 0mg, Protein: 1g

Exchanges: Vegetable: 0.5, Fruit: 0.5 Carb Choices: 1

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