Thursday, October 4, 2012

[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Re: Dragon Fruit or Cactus Pear Recipes


1 ¼ c. prickly pear nectar or juice
¾ c. frozen apple juice concentrate
½ c. diced green bell peppers
½ c. apple cider vinegar
½ c. red chile paste or 1t. red chile powder or less
2 T. fresh roasted green chiles
1 T. diced fresh jalapenos
1 envelope unflavored gelatin or 1/16 t. xanthan gum (health food store)
4 t. soy sauce & pinch of salt
Blend all ingredients & simmer 20 mins. until thick. Use on any type of meat
or freeze for later.

2 apples (unpeeled and chopped)
1 large orange for ½ c. juice & 1T. grated peel
1 c. prickly pear fruit pieces
Simmer apples and o.j. in heavy bottomed saucepan for 20 mins. Blend until
smooth and pulse with prickly pear pieces. Return to pot and stir in grated
orange peel. Cook carefully to desired thickness. Transfer to freshly washed
jars. Refrigerate.

1 or 2 T. chia seeds
1 c. apple or orange juice
½ c. prickly pear juice or nectar
1 c. frozen berries or bananas
1 c. plain yogurt
2 t. honey
4 or 5 ice cubes
Soak chia in juice for ½ hour. Blend ingredients. Makes 2 large glasses.

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