Sunday, June 12, 2011

[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Quick Broiled Chicken Breast with Honey-Mustard Sauce - 32.94g Carbs, 10.29g Fib


Quick Broiled Chicken Breast with Honey-Mustard Sauce - 32.94g Carbs, 10.29g Fiber, 17.53g Sugar

From: The George Mateljan Foundation

Enhance the flavor of chicken with this special honey-mustard sauce
and serve with spinach for a great tasting addition to your Healthiest
Way of Eating. This nutrient-rich meal will provide you with an
excellent source of over 10 health-promoting nutrients. Enjoy!
Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes

4 boneless chicken breasts with skin
2 PLUS 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
2 1/2 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 cup sliced dried apricots
2 Tbsp coarsely chopped walnuts
1 Tbsp chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

--> Quick Broiled Chicken
Preheat the broiler on high and place an all stainless steel skillet
(be sure the handle is also stainless steel) or cast iron pan about
6 inches from the heat for about 10 minutes to get it very hot.

While the pan is heating, rinse and pat the chicken dry and season
with 2 Tbsp lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

Leaving the skin on, place the breast skin side up on the hot pan. It
is not necessary to turn the breast because it is cooking on both sides
at once. Depending on the size, it should be cooked in about 7 minutes.
Begin preparing the sauce while the chicken is cooking.

The breast is done when it is moist, yet its liquid runs clear when
pierced. The inside temperature needs to reach 165 degrees F
(74 degrees C). Remove the skin before serving; it is left on to keep
it moist while broiling.

--> Honey-Mustard Sauce
For honey-mustard sauce, combine broth, 1TBS lemon juice, honey, and
mustard in a small saucepan. Whisk together and bring to a boil on
high heat. Once it comes to a boil, simmer for about 20 minutes. You
want it to be reduced to a little less than half the volume you start
with. This will thicken and intensify the flavor.

Add apricots and cook on high for another 5 minutes. When sauce is
done, add chopped walnuts, parsley, salt ,and pepper.

Serve over cooked spinach or other cooked greens.

Serves: 4
Total Weight: 620.74g
Nutrition per Serving:
445.71 Calories, 65.69 Calories from Fat, 11.12 Calories from Saturated Fat,
65.85g Protein, 32.94g Carbs, 10.29g Dietary Fiber, 2.45g Soluble Fiber,
6.93g Insoluble Fiber, 17.53g Total Sugar, 9.96g Monosaccharides,
1.58g Disaccharides, 4.84g Other Carbs, 7.30g Total Fat, 2.24g Saturated Fat,
1.33g Mono Fat, 3.12g Poly Fat, 0g Trans Fatty Acids, 136.89mg Cholestero

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