Monday, April 23, 2012

[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Re: Easy Vegetarian Recipes for Senior Mom?


Being that she is Vegetarian.... go to skimmed milk, low/no fat yogurt, low/no fat sour cream, low/no fat cheese's. Veggies are naturally low in fat. Stay away from the higher glycemic index fruits. Go with things like Apples. Nuts are a bit hard on the cholesterol if you don't control the amount you eat. Beans can be quite starchy if again you are not careful with quantity. I am assuming she eats a lot of rice being vegetarian. Switch to brown rice or Basmati rice (low glycemic index).

It is imperative she learn to read labels. Get whole grain instead of white flour. Choose the items that have no added fructose, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup. Look for the hidden added sugars. Natural or not the can cause issues.

Switch to egg sub if she is willing otherwise limit the amount of eggs she eats each week to one a day for most days. Get more fiber in her diet as well. Lots of raw veggies to keep the body working and get things moved thru without delay.

Add flax seed to her diet will help lower the cholesterol. Looking for the no added salt will help the bp. And making sure that she not get added sugars�(important as some veggies come with a natural sugar in them... Tomatoes come to mind) in the ingredients list.
Exercise will help all of those issue as well.

Donna in SC (was VA)
"Stress is the confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living daylights out of some jerk who desperately deserves it."

From: Fairy <>
>Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 2:52 PM
>Subject: Easy Vegetarian Recipes for Senior Mom?
>Hello! My mother is 77years old and just got her blood tests back. They alarmed me.. she has high blood pressure (on meds for that) and
>her Glucose/Serum is 97 (65-99 reference interval)
>so, pre-diabetic right?
>Her hemoglobin ALc is 6.2 (4.8-5.6 reference interval)
>CHolesterol is 283 (100-199 reference interval)
>She doesn't cook (just was never one of those moms, and I don't either), she's a vegetarian (Im vegan) and to be honest I have NO IDEA what to tell her to eat. We are at a loss.. sure, a salad of lunch. Steamed veggies for dinner but if this is a lifestyle change she needs some foods she will enjoy or she will just fall right back into this or worse. Does anyone have any advice on easy and good tasting ideas for her to try to prepare?we do have whole foods near us so i can send her there with a shopping list... thank you so much! Simone

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